Enda Kenny has raised the ire of his fellow citizens by suggesting that their
greed was at the root of the Irish economic collapse. How true is that?
About six
months after I arrived in Portlaoise there was a release of apartments in a
luxury block under construction next to the O'Moore Park GAA ground. People
queued overnight to buy and they were all sold within the first hour. Some
signed up and paid deposits for two or more units. Their motivation had nothing
to do with a desire for a home. They believed that they would make a killing
either from the rent they hoped to receive from future tenants or by selling on
at a profit.
That is one
example among many that illustrate the veracity of Enda Kenny's words yesterday
when he said that the country had gone mad during the property boom, driven by
greed. In Portlaoise not only were there more houses and apartments being built
than there were ever likely to be buyers or tenants for. In addition several retail
complexes were under construction or planned. Even then there were many empty
units in the town centre and in each of the recently completed shopping
centres. Some of these have now been occupied, but elsewhere businesses have
closed leaving even more vacant premises.
This was
the story right across Ireland.
In our five years living here my wife and I have taken several short breaks in
various parts of the country and in every town and village we've stayed or
passed through there are newly built estates. At the height of the boom homes
were being completed at a rate of 90,000 a year; enough to replace the whole of
the previously existing housing stock within a decade. Anybody who had the
temerity to suggest, as some did, that this rate of construction could not be
sustained was condemned for talking down the economy.
Atmosphere of Affluence
government was enabled to keep the level of general taxation down in part
because of the revenue generated through stamp duty, a transaction tax imposed
on every purchase. Social welfare payments and public sector incomes soared.
But it is also unfair to read into Mr Kenny's words the suggestion that
individual citizens were the only group on whom he was placing blame. I have
indicated elsewhere my view that one of the underlying causes of the atmosphere
that prevailed during those years of madness was the amount of money pouring
into Ireland
from tax payers in the wealthier nations of the EU.
In that
atmosphere with new infrastructure under construction across the nation, brash
new shopping centres and estates of homes described by their developers as
"luxury" or "executive" even when all too often they were
anything but, it was inevitable that people would forget the old adage
"never a borrower or a lender be". It was easy to forget the reason
why the system of hire purchase that enabled my generation to furnish our homes
on so called "easy payments" was described by our parents as
"the never-never".
affluence increased steadily through the second half of the twentieth century
and at an increasing pace in the first few years of the twenty first it was
easy to ignore such seemingly old fashioned notions. It was all too easy to
believe that, whilst it might be difficult to pay the mortgage today, tomorrow's
salary increase would make it easier in the future. The more luxurious our
neighbour's home and contents the more luxury we wanted for ourselves. That is
the nature of greed. It feeds on itself, creating a sense of false security in
its victims. Like a drug, it creates a craving that can never be satisfied.
And, like a drug, when it is denied it leaves its victim with unbearable
withdrawal symptoms.
As I
indicated in that earlier post it is unreasonable to blame foreign tax-payers
for wanting their governments to seek recompense. I can quite understand why Mr
Kenny is both eager to demonstrate Ireland's willingness to repay her
debts by paying off the most recent instalment to bond holders and to try to explain to the leaders of those wealthier nations how his
country incurred such incomprehensible levels of debt in the first place.
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