With an
increase in VAT taking effect in Ireland today (Jan 1st 2012) it is
worth taking a look at the comparative fairness of taxes on sales and those on
There is a
widespread belief that those individuals who receive very high earnings should
pay high rates of tax on at least that part of their income that is deemed
excessive. There are a number of problems with this concept. First and
foremost, who determines what is "excessive" against what criteria?
€100k? €500k? and just how punitive should be the tax on the portion of income
that exceeds the chosen threshold?
Then there
is the effect on incentives; although it is wrong to attach too much importance
to this in relation to high incomes. Too often when an individual's earned
income is so low that he or she receives support from a variety of social
welfare programmes the marginal rate of tax becomes close to - and sometimes
even exceeds - 100%. This occurs when the amount of support withdrawn as a result
of crossing a particular income threshold exceeds the additional income
received. That certainly is a disincentive. No one ought to be placed in the
situation of becoming worse off as a result of working harder, working longer
or receiving a promotion. So it is not necessary to feel too much sympathy for
high earners whose marginal rate of tax exceeds, say, 50%.
More than one tax is levied on incomes
I can remember
when the marginal rate of income tax on high earners in the UK was 90%. Executives justified
high salary increases on the basis that, in order to give someone a £100
increase in take home pay it was necessary to raise his (and in those days it
was nearly always a man) headline salary by £1000. Logically, when marginal
rates fell dramatically under a previous Tory government, these individuals
should have had their salaries reduced. In fact they just continued to receive
big annual increases.
In most
jurisdictions the tax that goes by the official title of "income tax"
is not the only tax levied directly on incomes. In the UK, for
example, there is "National Insurance", originally intended to cover
the cost of health and social programmes this tax long since ceased to be so
hypothecated and simply went into the general pool of government income. The
equivalent in Ireland
is PRSI.
Often these
levies are applied only to income up to a certain level, thus reducing the
effective margin between basic rates of income tax and the next higher band.
So, for example, the basic rate might be 20% and the next band 40%, but, if the
person on basic rate is also paying an 11% "Social Insurance" levy
that cuts off at the same level as that at which the rate of income tax
increases to 40%, the margin might look like 20% but is actually only 9%.
It's all so complicated
All this is
starting to get complicated and I have only scratched the surface of the many
different taxes on incomes and the allowances that can be claimed against them.
And that is the other problem with income taxes. The harder you try to make them
fair the more complicated they get.
taken a portion of an individual's earnings before he or she even gets to see
its colour the government next proceeds to take another chunk from every pound,
dollar or euro he or she spends. Actually, not everything because certain goods
deemed essential to living, typically food and children's clothing, are
exempted from sales taxes. And this is where the sales tax as a concept starts
to look fairer than income tax. These days it is not possible to survive without
purchasing some things that are subjected to sales taxes but it can reasonably
be argued that the sales tax levied against big ticket items that only those on
high incomes can afford ensure that the rich contribute more to the state's
coffers than do the poor.
It is
argued that such taxes act as a disincentive to consumption and that is bad for
an economy but this surely happens only at the margins. If you can't afford to
pay an extra 2% on the price of an item you probably can't afford it anyway. On
the other hand, if paying €10k for something is no problem increasing the price
by €200 probably won't stop you.
Increase sales tax on luxury goods
I would go
much further, as the late Roy Jenkins did back in the days when the UK
sales tax was called purchase tax, and levy a higher rate of sales tax on
luxury goods. Of course, we are then presented with the problem of defining
"luxury goods". One way might be to look at the average price paid
for a particular category of item, say motor cars or ladies' wear, and levy the
higher tax on those items for which the recommended retail price was more than
double the category average. Difficult but not impossible I would argue.
And it
could have another benefit: many such items are imported. Ireland and the UK could both do with reducing
their level of expenditure on imported goods so a tax that acted as a
disincentive would be beneficial. And, because the tax was determined against
the value of the item rather than its origin it ought not to be outlawed by
trade agreements as being overly protectionist.
So, on
balance I tend to favour sales taxes over taxes on income when it comes to
assessing their relative fairness. Of course, the elephant in the room is the
size of the overall tax burden. And that depends very much on what you believe
should be included on the list of things best provided by the state. Views on
that vary widely across the political spectrum and between this side of the
Atlantic and the USA.
But that is a whole different argument.
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