I listened
to the Chairman of Fine Gael which, as the largest party in the Irish
Parliament, is the senior partner in the governing coalition, talking to Will
Faulkner on Midlands Today this morning (18th May 2012). (The programme is re-broadcast at midnight BST tonight, that's 17:00 PDT). Charlie Flanagan also happens to be
one of my local TDs (Members of Parliament; in the Irish electoral system each
constituency has more than one representative). “Growth is like motherhood and
apple pie,” he said, “everyone thinks it is a good thing.”
And I
suppose he is not far wrong. Most people do think that growth is a good thing.
But, as I argued in my previous post, there are many who disagree. I ended that
piece with a promise to explore some of the ways in which it could be possible
to provide for all our needs without destroying the planet in the process. But
first I want to add some more food for thought for those, like Deputy Flanagan,
who still need to be convinced.
I was
thinking about the idea that water might be the next big source of conflict in
certain parts of the world and it occurred to me that we in Northern
Europe import significant quantities of fruit and other
agricultural produce from such areas, notably the Mediterranean region. That
produce is made up principally of water. So, whilst it is true that fruit
juices are concentrated before being transported thousands of miles, it is also
the case that a lot of fuel is used transferring water from a part of the world
that can ill afford to lose it to one where it is relatively abundant.
Population decline is inevitable
I tried to
find statistics for the quantities involved and was unable to do so. The
closest I came to it was in a study carried out a few years ago by the UK conservation
charity WWF. This looked into the whole question of the effect of British food imports on the planet’s most vulnerable environments. What is clear from my
reading of this report is that the issue is far more complex than I had
supposed. And, for me, the most startling fact to emerge was this: there is a vital
resource that we all take for granted, far more so than we do water, that is
disappearing at an alarming rate. That resource is soil!
Allow me to
quote: world-wide, soils under agricultural management are eroding 10 to 100 times
faster than they are being formed meaning that agriculture is unsustainable
over relatively short historical time frames – 100 to 1,000 years. This simple constraint on the lifespan
of agricultural soils explains
reasonably well the pattern of the rise
and decline of historical civilisations. … [worldwide we are losing] 5-10
million ha of arable land each year. Much of this soil is removed from
agricultural land and ‘entombed’ in deposits that cannot be used for productive
purposes. For the UK food
economy, erosion of soils in the Mediterranean
used for fruit and vegetable production is particularly significant.
Our diet is destroying the environment
The report also has a lot to
say about the original question of water usage, generally confirming my
suspicions. Here are some more quotations:
The Mediterranean
Basin comprising the land draining into the Mediterranean Sea … includes some
of the most intensively farmed land in the world such as the Rhone valley in
France, the valley of the River Po in Italy, and the Nile Valley that supplies
vegetables to the UK. It includes much of the Spanish fruit and vegetable
production areas, and the Middle East, including Israel. The UK is a major and growing consumer
of the relevant crops – vegetables, fruit, wine and olives.
Water is the key
constraint to production ... Water demand in the Mediterranean countries
doubled between 1950 and 2000, and irrigated agriculture accounts for 65% of water consumed
(Nostrum 2006). The irrigated area doubled between 1960 and 2000 … with the
biggest increases in absolute terms in Spain
and Turkey.
The food exporters to the UK
are Spain, Italy, Greece
and Turkey.
Morocco is in more recent years the focus of significant investment in
intensive agricultural production, including for the UK market. This has caused
extensive and irreversible environmental degradation.
There is much more but the above should be enough to
illustrate the problem. Although the report focuses on the UK’s food economy, Ireland’s
pattern of consumption of similar produce is comparable to that of the UK’s, only
lacking in significance by virtue of its relatively small size. In simple
terms, we cannot carry on like this without further irreparable damage to the
planet, notwithstanding the over-arching issue of climate change.
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